
Wisdom Wednesday: New Year's Manifesto

Happy Wednesday! With Wednesday comes the inevitable "hump day" blues, sense of disillusionment, exhaustion, and longing for the weekend. Like a good shot of espresso, an inspiring quote or piece of writing can often inspire and perk me up, ready to take on what the rest of the day and week holds. Each Wednesday here on notsosimplestyle features a few bits of wisdom on varying topics, in the hopes you may find humor, inspiration, solace and affirmation.

Rather than quotes this Wednesday, I wanted to address the whole concept of New Year's Resolutions. While we are now a solid fifteen days into the New Year and I should probably have my resolutions in hand and be on the way to executing them, I'm working on putting less pressure on myself. I guess we could call that a resolution. Too often, we assign the new year tantamount importance, capitalize it, literally and figuratively. We see it as a complete clean-slate, rather than the chance to build upon what came before, with the day itself a marking in an on-going cycle. 

In years past, I've made resolutions and kept them with varying success. This year, the urge to scribble down a list of things like "go to the gym more", "be less surly in the mornings", "learn flamenco dancing" was decidedly lacking. Although I have vowed to complete concrete tasks in the past, I always feel like I am missing the big picture. Going to the gym in not just about tightening your buns and losing the spare tire for swimsuit season; it's about self-discipline and having a long-term plan. Saying that you will call your mom x-number of times per week or have weekly brunch with your friends is not about eggs benedict or adult-child guilt; it's about relationships, giving, and communication. 

Picking easily-accomplishable, can-be-checked-off-a-to-do-list items is great. It breaks up goals, aspirations, and dreams into smaller, bite-sized snacks. But this year I want to dream big. I want to aspire to the large goals like determination, patience, and self-love. I want to examine situations throughout the year through these lenses, finding opportunities for smaller wins while ultimately working towards a larger, more nebulous goal. With that in mind, I have written something different. My list is more of a manifesto, a mission statement; something to aspire for all years, not just 2014. Because at the end of the day, life is not about eating more kale, it's about becoming who you were meant to be.

This I Vow…

I vow to fiercely love myself in all my forms, to embrace and accept the sadness, shame, pain and outrage, knowing they are only one side of the coin.

I vow always to keep my heart open, to give and receive love, ordinary and extraordinary.

I vow to pursue my dreams fearlessly, to walk a path of twists and turns with patience, courage, and self-understanding.

I vow to not be an island, but accept the help and love of others, as freely as waves upon the beach, while knowing there are some things I must face alone.

I vow to always learn and be curious, to be passionate, creative, and unapologetically genuine.

I vow to live a life bigger than the one I imagine, always knowing that God has plans, even when I can't see.

I vow to be myself and take my rightful place in the world, knowing that each day and moment moves me towards my ever-growing destiny.

Colorado Christmas

Hey blog readers! With the new year already well begun, it may seem silly to address Christmas. However, much has happened for me personally in the interim. While I was home for what seemed like a minute, I managed to take some pictures with my new camera (Santa was very kind) before returning to chilly New York, my first New Year's away from home, much moving to be done and a new apartment without internet until yesterday. I'm certainly enjoying my new digs and even braved the hell that is Ikea to order a new bed and dresser. It's my first non-student apartment and I am indulging my slightly more mature decorating tastes that do not revolve around pink and former dorm room items.  It's my second move already while having this blog and I'm gathering experience and patience by the handfuls! My internship has started back up and I'm excited to return to the museum. I'm loving what I'm doing and love all the friends I've made and will continue to make. I also have some exciting things planned for the blog in the coming year.

As far as these pictures go, these were taken Christmas afternoon on a walk with my sister, dad and one of our dogs, Truman. We hiked "The Butte", a very large hill near my parents' house that I used to run with my dad in preparation for the high school cross country season. The top has great views of the front range, downtown and the surrounding area. It was a warm December and I enjoyed the opportunity to get outside while I was home. While I love the city, it doesn't offer the kind of scenery that my Colorado home does.