
Moving Madness Diary: The First Step

Moving is the ultimate test of organization, planning and sanity. Hopefully my tips and tricks can help save someone else from major moving anxiety. I will be moving in about 4 weeks and I thought that I would take you guys along with me as I prepare. I am moving out of my apartment and back into my childhood bedroom at my parents' house (temporarily). While not the ideal I'm-a-20something situation, job searching is difficult even in the best of times and I have not found my "big girl" job just yet, since graduating college in June. I would like the ability to relocate regardless of the position and so have not committed to a new apartment. With that said, I will be taking you guys through my moving process right now, and again when I find my new apartment. Below are the steps I recommend accomplishing prior to a month before moving day. Let's get moving!

2 months out:

Tackle the Forgotten Food

Having decided to move, 2 months out is the time to set yourself up for success. While moving day may seem like ages away, starting the process early, in small chunks, will decrease your stress down the road. Start assessing your food, especially the pantry and freezer. Anything you will definitely not use in the next two months needs to go. Cranberry sauce leftover from Thanksgiving? That weird cereal you bought and then hated? Anything you are unsure about can wait a little longer but should be reassessed as moving day gets closer. Condiments tend to build up in my fridge in particular. Does one really need a leftover smidgen of 4 different kinds of Ranch dressing, because they impatiently opened a new bottle without throwing the old one away? No, they don't. If the product is unopened, not expired, and you don't want to throw it away, consider giving it to a friend, neighbor, or food bank in your area. Even if you have a busy schedule prior to moving day, tasks like cleaning the pantry/freezer/fridge can be accomplished quickly on a Saturday, saving you time later.

Give it to Goodwill

Having made progress in the kitchen, the next place to start is the closet. Everybody's closet needs to be revamped occasionally and moving provides the perfect opportunity. Honestly assess every item of clothing you own. I often have trouble deciding what to keep and will recruit my friends/mom/sister to provide some reality. While you may be sentimentally attached to that ratty old t-shirt, you don't want to  spend time and energy moving something you never wear. Start a bag with all of your "no's". Start another bag for items that need to be dry-cleaned or tailored. Oftentimes I find items that I can make work in my wardrobe, but are in need of some TLC. Anything that is truly disgusting i.e. stained, ripped, or super worn should be thrown out. All "yes" items can be re-hung in your closet. Your wardrobe is now ready to move! 

Is it Seasonal?

This section can be interpreted in multiple ways. As I usually spend the holidays at home, I have very few home decorations. However, I do tend to organize my clothes seasonally. Start by packing any item of clothing that is truly season specific for the climate in which you live. As I am moving during the summer, all my sweaters, heavy coats, boots, and the majority of my pants have been packed. I use large plastic tubs from Target and find these work the best for me. As the seasons change, you can rotate the items in the bin. This method frees up space in your closet and encourages you to reassess your clothes throughout the year. If you do have home decorations, give your collection a good look. Have you used that particular item consistently for every holiday? Are the Christmas lights tangled and beyond repair? Are your items stored in the most-efficient manner? While I do not have a yard, lawn care and hardware supplies can also be sorted at this time. Regardless of the type of item, if you do not want to take the time or effort to move it, it needs to go. 

6 Weeks Out:

Plan for Success

Start a calendar and to-do list for the 4 weeks prior to moving day. I keep both items on my Macbook/iPhone. Because each device is synced with the other, I can update my schedule and tasks on the go. For scheduling purposes, I like to use Calendar, but use Wunderlist to keep track of moving to-do items. You could also use Outlook or a similar productivity program. Things I need to accomplish often come to me when I'm on the treadmill or lying in bed, away from my computer or pen and paper. Keeping a digital list, that can be easily updated anywhere, ensures I never forget something. 

Recruit the Help

With your planning underway, now is the time to address logistics. Contact whomever you would like to assist you in the move: friends, family members, significant other etc. Tell them your moving plans and ask about their availability for your planned moving day. While family may be willing to stick around all day, friends may have other plans already. Try to spread the work around if possible, with a morning "shift" and an afternoon "shift", giving everyone the opportunity to help without committing a huge chunk of time. Does your brother have a truck for hauling furniture? His assistance may be more beneficial in the initial stages, while your best friend may be more interested in helping you unpack and arrange the kitchen. Get on their calendar now to ensure their availability come moving day.

Reservation, please...

With your moving help secured and your plan in place, now is the time to make appointments with various companies for moving day. I recommend having all furniture and personal items moved the day before you have to be "out". With everything removed, you then have a completely empty living space to clean, as opposed to one still filled with boxes. Reserve a UHAUL and any professional moving help you may need NOW. Reservations tend to fill up towards the end of the month, as that is when many leases expire. While you may be tempted to move everything yourself, if you have any large furniture items: queen-sized bed, sectional sofa, or a large home entertainment system, consider investing in movers. If it is in your budget, rent a steam cleaner or schedule a carpet service for your last moving day. With all the furniture removed, deep-cleaning comes much easier. That stain from six months ago that never really came out? Clean it now and save yourself the security deposit. 

With only a month to go until my move, I have already accomplished everything above. Stay tuned later this week for "4 weeks Out" tasks and my moving progress. Happy moving!